The Results of Soil Solver

Above: The difference in plant establishment in soil amended with clay
Trials have been done by the Dept of Agriculture, University of Western Australia and CSIRO. All the trials confirm the benefits. Since 2009 Dept of Ag recommends over 5% kaolin clay content in at least the top 10 cms of soil for the best results.
7% kaolin clay on the left resulted in over double the yield, and shows 0.4 percent kaolin clay on the right which is a patchy result.
10 to 14kgs of Soil Solver® Clay Plus Minerals per sqm dug down 10cm provides approximately 5% clay content and 4% silt content and an overall change of 10% in the particle size of the soil.
Below: Happy Soil Solver® customers showing off their gardens and lawns!
Right: A photo showing the effects of Soil Solver® Compost Plus Minerals! After just one application of a handful
of Clay Plus Minerals and 2 handfuls of Compost Plus Minerals, the plant on the left has more than doubled in size in just 6 weeks, compared to the untreated plant on the right.
Not just for lawns - Pot plants love it too!

Delicious vegetables full of flavour and nutrients, thanks to Soil Solver®

Below: Department of Agriculture trials of Soil Solver®
In 2005, Bob Paulin and Peter O'Malley trialed the difference between adding compost and Soil Solver® ClayPlus Minerals.

The Dept. of Agriculture Soil Solver® Clay Plus Minerals with 5% clay trials showed:
Irrigation savings of up to 49.5%
50% less leaching
Double the volumetric water holding capacity
Treble fertility of soil, with exception of Nitrogen
Significant increase in microbial biomass

How to grow tomatoes
Planted at the same time, with the same water and same sun. The plant on the right had Soil Solver® Clay Plus Minerals mixed into the sandy soil at planting. The plant on the left did not... Here's the difference 7 weeks later

Below: Before and After pictures of a camellia plant treated with Soil Solver®
by Darren Seinor from Garden Solutions WA

Darren saw this plant was showing signs of mineral deficiency.
After adding Soil Solver® Clay Plus Minerals, the plant is greener and more vigorous.
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