Compost Plus Minerals
The all-natural fertiliser alternative

Soil Solver® Compost Plus Minerals is the complete all-natural fertilizer alternative for your potted plants, garden beds and lawns.
Compost contains plant nutrients, although the exact amounts vary from sample to sample and are depleted in 3-4 months. Well-matured (rotted) compost is rich in the three main fertilizer nutrients: Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium
In addition to the Low P compost, Soil Solver® Compost Plus Minerals contains micronutrients and trace elements that are often missing from commercial fertilizer such as:
Aluminium, Boron, Calcium, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese
Molybdenum, Sodium, Sulphur, Zinc
Compost Plus Minerals is Certified Organic Allowed Input compost blended with clay/silt and the complete range of rock and ore minerals that plant and human life need to be healthy. This product has a high nitrogen to carbon ratio, making an excellent nitrogen source.
Containing more rock minerals and up to 4 times more nutrients than ordinary compost, regularly using this mineralised, fully-matured compost as an organic slow-release fertiliser builds up a chemical-free habitat for microorganisms and fungi.
Giving strong growth with pest and disease resistance, real-life trials have shown repair and prevention of sooty mould, lawn repair by top-dressing, mineral-rich food for fruit trees and roses.
Note** that this is a fully natural product. The blending process can lead to the minerals and clay bunching up together forming small balls looking like rocks. They are not rocks, they are balls of minerals and just need to be smashed to loosen the ingredients. Or just put them in your garden to naturally dissolve into the soil.
An excellent rejuvenator for potted plants.
Recommended to mix 10% in with your potting mix when potting and top-up every 3 months.

Optimum feeding for plants is through the roots
Optimum feeding for plants is through the roots. Foliar feeding, which is spray on the leaves, gives little nutrient and is transitory.
The idea grew in the 1950s, when research at Michigan State University found that "a leaf is a very efficient organ of absorption. The amounts may at first seem relatively small, but to offset this handicap, the efficiency is high." Since then, chemical companies, in particular, have promoted its general use, and their products, in order to boost crop health and yield.
However, especially with home-made and organic feeds of unknown nutritional content, which don't include a surfactant (wetting agent) in the solution to help it cling to the leaves, the feed drips off leaves far too quickly to do much good and that one of the reasons it appears to work is that it drips onto the soil and feeds the plant in the normal way. Foliar feeding is very selective in the minerals applied, ie: there are often just 1-4 minerals in the blend, not the 65 that plants need to be healthy.
Meanwhile, in The Myth of Foliar Feeding, Linda Chalker-Scott, of Washington State University writes that, while not much good for general usage, foliar feeding can offer a specialised, temporary remedy to nutritional deficiencies in fruit and is "best suited to intensive crop production under specific soil limitations."
Compost Plus Minerals is completely balanced so there is no nutritional deficiencies.
Importantly, it should be remembered that foliar feeding is never an alternative to building up a good, healthy soil. Your vegetables could never get enough of the major nutrients of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium if you purely fed them through their leaves.
(source GrowVeg, Helen Gazeley 2012)
Left photo: Sooty Mould on lime trees in sandy Lancelin WA.
Right photo: recovered after Compost Plus Minerals mixed into the root system

Insects don't eat healthy plants
We have been promoting the fact that insects don’t eat healthy plants for years.
Now we can share a great podcast with renowned entomologist Dr Thomas Dykstra on why insects can't eat healthy plants. They can’t digest the plant material. You may still get a few aphids on your roses for example, but insects won’t attack if your plants are healthy with minerals they soak up daily through the healthy soil.
How to use Compost Plus Minerals
Our Compost Plus Minerals has all the minerals your plants need and can be added into any type of soil for upmost beneficial feeding and financial efficiency.
Garden beds: 2-5ltrs per sqm metre mixed into 20cm of soil.
Top-dressing lawns: 3-5ltrs per sqm spread across lawn and water well.
Repeat up to twice a year.
Pots: Add 10% to 90% of a good potting mix when initially potting.
Add to the pot every 3-6 months depending on plant requirements.
Especially fantastic for roses and citrus.
Clay soils: 1-3kgs sqm of lime spread across your clay soil with 5ltrs of Compost Plus Minerals. The clay will break down and the compost and minerals will feed your plants and add minerals to your mineral-poor clay.